

Brandon Choi

Brandon Choi

Perm Business Manager Reed South Korea

​​Brandon offers Permanent recruitment, Executive search, Fixed term recruitment as well as RPO services in a wide range of industry sectors.



상무 Reed South Korea

​Lance는 2015년 3월 채용 업계에 대한 풍부한 지식과 경험을 바탕으로 Reed에 합류했습니다.Lance는 사내에서 20명이 넘는 동료들과 160개 회사에 걸쳐 1,500명이 넘는 직원들로 구성된 팀을 관리했습니다.

Kate Kim

Kate Kim

Principal Consultant

​Kate has extensive experience in recruiting for technical and engineering-based roles across a variety of industries. Her expertise lies in areas such as embedded systems, industrial automation, machinery, semiconductors, and IT. In addition to her focus on technical positions, Kate also has experience supporting business operations roles.

Mike Chae

Mike Chae

Principal Consultant - Permanent Recruitment

​​After graduating from Korea University, he was served as an ROTC officer and completed his military service as a lieutenant in the army. He has experience such as accounting, taxation, human resources, and overseas sales at Major construction company in Korea. In particular, he has a wide range of knowledge and know-how related to recruitment as a HR recruiter. He has worked as the head of corporations in Europe and the United States, accumulating his management knowledge, rich overseas business experience, and extensive network. He is currently recommending key talents to companies in the field of construction, energy, IT, and distribution at Reed Korea.

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